

Thank you for looking at my blog..I want to use this page to talk about life..the highs, the lows and everything else! Keep reading!

Monday 26 December 2011

Another day..another year!

This won't be an advice blog..but mainly a blog for me to look back and reflect on the year gone by!

So it seems like just the other day I was sitting down to write about my New Years Plans for 2011!!
It's been a long year with many up's and down's and lots of changes!

My brother went to Afghanistan- which was horrendous and emotionally insane, but he is back and safe!
I changed friendship groups, which is one of the best things I have ever done!!
I have changed a lot,  in myself..emotionally, physically and just all round really!
I have a new(ish) brother, a foster brother who will (hopefully) be living with us for the next 8 years at least!

So all in all, it has been a good year..am excited to be finishing with year 11, hopefully going to sixth form, then university!!!!!!

I am so excited for my plans to come to life, that I have to remind myself to live in the present and enjoy all the fun stuff I have now!

Hopes and Dreams for 2012..

* Get a place at sixth form 
* Grow my hair even more!
* Braces off!!
* Stay friends with the group I'm in..♥
* Be a better listener and know when people need me..
* Spend time with the people I love
* Take some risks!!
* Make sure people know that I'm here for them..
* Learn to accept the things I cannot change
* Enjoy it!!!

So the Olympics are happening in 2012 but I'm not fussed about sport at all so it will NOT feature in my blogs..sorry =/ haha!!

I hope that if anyone is reading this (and isn't already asleep!) will think about what is really important to you for the new year..maybe make a list, maybe not..but however cheesy it may be, a New Year can be just what you need, a new start and a new opportunity to do more, love more and be who you want to be! Don't wait for it to happen, start changing it yourself..

I know I've said it before, but I will say it again..

Life is just a series of days, hours and minutes and if you don't do the things you want to do in them..when will you ever? Don't live in the future, waiting for things to change and be even better, YOU make the change, YOU make it happen!

Love Ellie..x

Thursday 11 August 2011

Brace Face No More! ♥

This probably won't apply to most of you, but I know loads of people who have, are getting or have already had braces. This blog will just give a few hints/tips and tricks to help make them bearable!!


1.    Keep your teeth as clean as possible on the build up towards having your braces fixed, this will help them to not stain when you get them on!

2.   Before you go to get your braces fixed, take some paracetamol or ibuprofen 30 minutes before you go in!

3.    Have a think about the colours you'd like as your first set. If you're anxious about how they look, try lighter colours like baby pink, light blue, aqua and pale yellow. If you're more daring the darker colours will get them noticed! Remember you can choose more than 1 colour so think about alternate colours that work well together (anything and silver goes well!)

4.   Once the braces are on, they'll ask if you want to swill some water- do it! The taste of the glue isn't very lovely so it's nice to get it out! Take a bottle of water, just in case they forget!


     Your teeth might ache a bit after having the braces fitted, so treat yourself to some soft sweets and a magazine to keep you busy! The aching is only your teeth getting used to having metal attached to them!

Keep the wax they give you!!!!!!!!!
      This wax will be your best friend for the next week and the metal can cause rubbing in your mouth, I lost my wax after a few days and wished I'd kept it safe, you can just take a small bit, roll it with your fingers and place it over the bracket that is causing the rubbing.

All change!

This is the best bit, you can try out some different colours!

When you get your wires changed, it can feel a bit odd if you don't know what they're doing so here's the down low!

1. They'll twist the elastic bands off and this is very quick! Your orthodontist and assistant will keep swapping tools so it happens very fast!

2. Then they take the old wire out and put a thicker wire in, this increases tension so that your teeth can move more!

3. Then they ask what colour you've chosen and will put the bands on!

4.  If they offer to swill- take it! It's worth it..


You'll get used to your braces really quickly, but if they do start to ache, just take some paracetamol / ibuprofen and they should feel fine, also keep the wax just in case =)

You can get some 'interdental' brushes that make it really easy to clean between the brackets and mouthwash will also help to get rid of any bacteria that sit on the bracket!

You'll be so pleased when you've finished your time with braces, so keep up the cleaning and don't forget to be careful with hard foods!

Good luck xx

Thursday 4 August 2011

Sleep Techniques - the low down on getting some Zzz's

Can't sleep? Never fear, Ive devised a few techniques and rules for optimising sleep!

1. Bedtime Routine- Come up with your own 'Bedtime Routine' this helps the brain to recognise when it's time to settle down and prepare for sleep. Your routine can include having a bath 30 mins before bed, reading a book, listening to a certain song etc, it all helps your mind to start the process of relaxation and sleep.

2. Environment - Ensuring that your environment is at it's best for sleep is crucial for a restful night. Make sure that your window is slightly open to improve air flow but be aware of the temperature of your room too, not too hot or cold. Having the main light off is best, but if some light is preferred, try using a dimmed or 'golden toned' light so it isn't too harsh.

3. Mind - Stress, overthinking and analysing happens mostly at night as your brain is not being stimulated or distracted by anything else, this can make it difficult, even impossible to get properly relaxed before sleep. To improve relaxation, keep a notebook or notepad by your bedside with a pen nearby to jot down anything that might be interrupting sleep.

4. Body - If you are hungry or thirsty, hot or cold, your body is not able to fully release into sleep. Have a drink of sugar-free squash, or water by your bed, and if you are finding it difficult to sleep, a warm drink such as hot chocolate, warm milk or squash or decaff tea will actually improve your bodies ability to become tired. Food can affect sleep, so things with high sugar quantities and starchy fatty carbs are things to avoid as they release energy, wheras 'lighter' foods such as
* Dried or fresh fruit
* Yoghurts
* Cheese
* Soup etc,
help to settle 'hungry feelings, and so, help the body to relax

5. Stimulation- stimulation before bed is devastating when it comes to sleep. The mind needs to wind down before bed so that you can drift off into sleep. Try to avoid watching TV, playing games or using your mobile as this stimulate brain activity and this makes it very difficult to sleep.

Hope this helps! I will be adding more in the next few days, but it’s time for me to hit the sheets myself! Night night x

Saturday 16 April 2011

Tension, Stress and Release!


(this blog is more about revision and relaxing)

So, we all have stress in life- whether it's school, work, kids, bills or simply figuring out what to wear!
And, along with the stress should come release, but this comes easier to some than others. If you are one of these people you may find it hard to 'let go' and relax without rushing to do housework or studying (weirdos!)

We all need to find a good balance between work and play (so maybe its not Lego and Mario cart but you get the idea!)
Without work, we wouldn't get anywhere and without play we would become mindless, exhausted robots.
So, find your balance! Take some time for yourself, give yourself manageable goals and stick to them..give yourself small treats while working as a break and to keep you motivated!

  • your brain can obtain more if you give yourself a break every 30 mins at the max as it allows the brain to store the information from Short term memory (STM) into Long term memory (LTM) so try to rest (read a book, watch telly, have a snack, chat on the phone) for 10 mins between each 'work' section
  • your brain is stimulated by colour and images..keep this in mind when revising!
  • your sub-conscious mind can pick up information from your surrounding without you knowing it, so posters and diagrams on your wall are good ideas!
  • finding a recording or even recording yourself saying the pieces of information you need to learn is also great for memory, try the audio clips on Bitesize, or record your own voice on your mobile

10 tips to keep your balance and revise effectively

  1.  make yourself a rota/planner organising your time, but make sure there are rest breaks and that if you are studying that you change subject after 30 mins 
  2. If you work better in groups, organise for a bunch of friends to meet up and study/work together even if its not the same subject, having friends can help to motivate you just as long as you don't get distracted (if you think this may happen, why not meet at a library or something?)
  3. Try using colours and pictures to stimulate your brain, a mind map of key bits of information stuck on the kitchen fridge or bedroom wall?
  4. how about a walk in between sessions? the fresh air will refresh and revitalise you!
  5. eating and drinking the right stuff is key to working, keep your body full of fresh foods, carbohydrates that release energy slowly (pasta, rice, potatoes) and cut down on the quick fixes (i.e coffee, sugary sweets and red bull!!)
  6. get your rest. how hard is it? we all love sleep and so do our bodies! our bodies do most of our growing while we sleep, we also build, repair and refuel in our sleep so it is vital to make sure you are getting enough sleep. Sleeping is a good time for our brain to process information from the day, so get your sleep!
  7. keep tidy, we lose concentration when we are in a mess, so before you revise spend 15 minutes tidying the place where you will be working (or sit somewhere clear like a kitchen table)
  8. find your 'me time'  basically, choose something you love doing that helps you to relax and enjoy yourself (having a hot bath reading a good book, baking, going for a walk, chilling out with a good tune)
  9. try not to spend too much time indoors, the fresh air and space will help you to let go, and feel replenished! try a new route to school/college/work or even exploring a part of your town you've never been to before!
  10. write a list of 10 things you want to achieve. 5 things in the near future, and 5 for a longer time span..look back when they've all pulled through and feel the sense of achievement!
Good luck and God bless xx

Tuesday 11 January 2011

What's your security code?

Relax! I'm not asking for your PIN number, let me explain..
(I will hopefully be bringing this to youth group soon, so Elisha and Abbie please keep it to yourselves and when I (hopefully) do it, please join in!

So I was listening to the radio the other night and there was a programme on it called 'something explained'
the topic for discussion was 'security and safety' (not as in wearing a helmet and not putting your hands in hot water) but more in the sense of our emotional safety. whether we rely on our relationships to give us our sense of security, or maybe material things, places (like your bedroom or a special spot in the country) or something within ourselves.

Now, its pretty difficult to say " I don't need any of that to make me feel secure" because believe me: without strong relationships, our mobile/laptop and our bed, I think we would all feel a bit lonely.

so I have devised a few activities to help us find our 'safety jacket'  most of these are done in groups

how safe? (relationships)
Read out following scenarios:

School/work is going well you have lots of good friends a few close friends that you hang out with at break and lunch, you are healthy and happy with your life, and your home is comfortable.
How safe do you feel?close your eyes and choose, then move so you aren't influenced by each other

you are starting to struggle at school because home life isn't going so well, you have also just had an argument with your closest friends

How safe do you feel?close your eyes and choose, then move so you aren't influenced by each other

now you are coming down with the flu, you are achy, sniffy, and don't have a lot of energy but you are still having to go to school/work. Your friends are still angry with you.

How safe do you feel?close your eyes and choose, then move so you aren't influenced by each other

now your parents have decided that they want to take your other siblings on holiday and leave you at home for 5 days. You will be staying with one of your mums friends that you don't know very well. Your friends have made up with you but it is still a bit awkward.

How safe do you feel?close your eyes and choose, then move so you aren't influenced by each other

everything is fine now. Your parents have decided to take you with them, and your friends have invited you for a day trip to make up. You are back to your healthy happy self, at last.
How safe do you feel?close your eyes and choose, then move so you aren't influenced by each other


Is it inside? (within yourself)

Sit in a circle really tight, tell the person on your left 3 positive compliments. are you okay?

Now turn round a space out a everyone whisper a nursery rhyme. Feeling okay?

Now space right out. Turn lights of and sit in silence. How do you feel?

Are you safe with trust?
Write down 1-6

at each step, write down a number between 1-10 on how safe you feel
1 = really unsafe
10 = absolutely fine with the situation

  1. write down a secret or something you don't want anyone to know. (rate from 1-10)
  2. Write your name on the back. (rate from 1-10)
  3. Give it to me. (rate from 1-10)
  4. I hand them out randomly. (rate from 1-10)
  5. hand them back to each other. (rate from 1-10)
  6. rip/shred them up. (rate from 1-10)
 discuss each step


Each write a text but no need to send!
Now if you can, write an updated status on Facebook.
Take a picture of something or yourself.
Find 3 things you love having in your bag. (probably more applicable for girls)
Pick your favourite item of clothing that you are wearing.
Estimate how much money you actually have on you.

Now go through each step, and imagine having that thing taken away.
hand over your phones, hoodies/jackets, the items from your bag, purse, and any jewellery.

Try and now imagine that I am never going to give you those things back. Does it bother you at all?
Or would you be happy never to see them again?


Be honest..it's a bit difficult to contemplate..isn't it?

well in the Bible, it mentions a few of these security methods..here's 2

Proverbs 18:10   (this one is about places of refuge)
God's name is a place of protection—
good people can run there and be safe.

Philippians 4:19   (objects)
And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

I believe that we should all try and find our own security in God. It is so easy to rely on things that are in this world to 'be' those things for us, but when all is said and done, God will be the one deciding our fate. God is the only One who can actually change our situation and don't think it's a good idea to be pals with The man who ultimatly controls your fate?

We arent forced to do anything, but however 'safe' we feel with the things we own, if all of them are stripped away, what are you left with? An empty room and an empty heart? or a strong and steady relationship with God?

I have a particular understanding and sympathy with trying to find someone/or some people who can play certain roles we feel we lack. I personaly love the idea of a councellor or psychiatrist who can somehow magically zap away any bad memories, feelings or dissapointments, someone who will tell me what I am feeling and why I am feeling that way, and what it means as well. But truth be told, its not possible! councellors and psychiatrists are great, but without God, I will never be content and fully secure.

God can be our everything.
He can be our Father, our councellor, our healer, our friend, our lover (not as weird as it sounds!) and our saviour. please accept God to be your everything, it may take a while, trust me - I'm still trying to get it right, but it will be so worth it when we do!

Well! that was a long one! Love you xx