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Saturday 16 April 2011

Tension, Stress and Release!


(this blog is more about revision and relaxing)

So, we all have stress in life- whether it's school, work, kids, bills or simply figuring out what to wear!
And, along with the stress should come release, but this comes easier to some than others. If you are one of these people you may find it hard to 'let go' and relax without rushing to do housework or studying (weirdos!)

We all need to find a good balance between work and play (so maybe its not Lego and Mario cart but you get the idea!)
Without work, we wouldn't get anywhere and without play we would become mindless, exhausted robots.
So, find your balance! Take some time for yourself, give yourself manageable goals and stick to them..give yourself small treats while working as a break and to keep you motivated!

  • your brain can obtain more if you give yourself a break every 30 mins at the max as it allows the brain to store the information from Short term memory (STM) into Long term memory (LTM) so try to rest (read a book, watch telly, have a snack, chat on the phone) for 10 mins between each 'work' section
  • your brain is stimulated by colour and images..keep this in mind when revising!
  • your sub-conscious mind can pick up information from your surrounding without you knowing it, so posters and diagrams on your wall are good ideas!
  • finding a recording or even recording yourself saying the pieces of information you need to learn is also great for memory, try the audio clips on Bitesize, or record your own voice on your mobile

10 tips to keep your balance and revise effectively

  1.  make yourself a rota/planner organising your time, but make sure there are rest breaks and that if you are studying that you change subject after 30 mins 
  2. If you work better in groups, organise for a bunch of friends to meet up and study/work together even if its not the same subject, having friends can help to motivate you just as long as you don't get distracted (if you think this may happen, why not meet at a library or something?)
  3. Try using colours and pictures to stimulate your brain, a mind map of key bits of information stuck on the kitchen fridge or bedroom wall?
  4. how about a walk in between sessions? the fresh air will refresh and revitalise you!
  5. eating and drinking the right stuff is key to working, keep your body full of fresh foods, carbohydrates that release energy slowly (pasta, rice, potatoes) and cut down on the quick fixes (i.e coffee, sugary sweets and red bull!!)
  6. get your rest. how hard is it? we all love sleep and so do our bodies! our bodies do most of our growing while we sleep, we also build, repair and refuel in our sleep so it is vital to make sure you are getting enough sleep. Sleeping is a good time for our brain to process information from the day, so get your sleep!
  7. keep tidy, we lose concentration when we are in a mess, so before you revise spend 15 minutes tidying the place where you will be working (or sit somewhere clear like a kitchen table)
  8. find your 'me time'  basically, choose something you love doing that helps you to relax and enjoy yourself (having a hot bath reading a good book, baking, going for a walk, chilling out with a good tune)
  9. try not to spend too much time indoors, the fresh air and space will help you to let go, and feel replenished! try a new route to school/college/work or even exploring a part of your town you've never been to before!
  10. write a list of 10 things you want to achieve. 5 things in the near future, and 5 for a longer time span..look back when they've all pulled through and feel the sense of achievement!
Good luck and God bless xx

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