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Thursday 4 August 2011

Sleep Techniques - the low down on getting some Zzz's

Can't sleep? Never fear, Ive devised a few techniques and rules for optimising sleep!

1. Bedtime Routine- Come up with your own 'Bedtime Routine' this helps the brain to recognise when it's time to settle down and prepare for sleep. Your routine can include having a bath 30 mins before bed, reading a book, listening to a certain song etc, it all helps your mind to start the process of relaxation and sleep.

2. Environment - Ensuring that your environment is at it's best for sleep is crucial for a restful night. Make sure that your window is slightly open to improve air flow but be aware of the temperature of your room too, not too hot or cold. Having the main light off is best, but if some light is preferred, try using a dimmed or 'golden toned' light so it isn't too harsh.

3. Mind - Stress, overthinking and analysing happens mostly at night as your brain is not being stimulated or distracted by anything else, this can make it difficult, even impossible to get properly relaxed before sleep. To improve relaxation, keep a notebook or notepad by your bedside with a pen nearby to jot down anything that might be interrupting sleep.

4. Body - If you are hungry or thirsty, hot or cold, your body is not able to fully release into sleep. Have a drink of sugar-free squash, or water by your bed, and if you are finding it difficult to sleep, a warm drink such as hot chocolate, warm milk or squash or decaff tea will actually improve your bodies ability to become tired. Food can affect sleep, so things with high sugar quantities and starchy fatty carbs are things to avoid as they release energy, wheras 'lighter' foods such as
* Dried or fresh fruit
* Yoghurts
* Cheese
* Soup etc,
help to settle 'hungry feelings, and so, help the body to relax

5. Stimulation- stimulation before bed is devastating when it comes to sleep. The mind needs to wind down before bed so that you can drift off into sleep. Try to avoid watching TV, playing games or using your mobile as this stimulate brain activity and this makes it very difficult to sleep.

Hope this helps! I will be adding more in the next few days, but it’s time for me to hit the sheets myself! Night night x

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