

Thank you for looking at my blog..I want to use this page to talk about life..the highs, the lows and everything else! Keep reading!

Monday 26 December 2011

Another day..another year!

This won't be an advice blog..but mainly a blog for me to look back and reflect on the year gone by!

So it seems like just the other day I was sitting down to write about my New Years Plans for 2011!!
It's been a long year with many up's and down's and lots of changes!

My brother went to Afghanistan- which was horrendous and emotionally insane, but he is back and safe!
I changed friendship groups, which is one of the best things I have ever done!!
I have changed a lot,  in myself..emotionally, physically and just all round really!
I have a new(ish) brother, a foster brother who will (hopefully) be living with us for the next 8 years at least!

So all in all, it has been a good year..am excited to be finishing with year 11, hopefully going to sixth form, then university!!!!!!

I am so excited for my plans to come to life, that I have to remind myself to live in the present and enjoy all the fun stuff I have now!

Hopes and Dreams for 2012..

* Get a place at sixth form 
* Grow my hair even more!
* Braces off!!
* Stay friends with the group I'm in..♥
* Be a better listener and know when people need me..
* Spend time with the people I love
* Take some risks!!
* Make sure people know that I'm here for them..
* Learn to accept the things I cannot change
* Enjoy it!!!

So the Olympics are happening in 2012 but I'm not fussed about sport at all so it will NOT feature in my blogs..sorry =/ haha!!

I hope that if anyone is reading this (and isn't already asleep!) will think about what is really important to you for the new year..maybe make a list, maybe not..but however cheesy it may be, a New Year can be just what you need, a new start and a new opportunity to do more, love more and be who you want to be! Don't wait for it to happen, start changing it yourself..

I know I've said it before, but I will say it again..

Life is just a series of days, hours and minutes and if you don't do the things you want to do in them..when will you ever? Don't live in the future, waiting for things to change and be even better, YOU make the change, YOU make it happen!

Love Ellie..x

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