

Thank you for looking at my blog..I want to use this page to talk about life..the highs, the lows and everything else! Keep reading!

Monday 27 December 2010

Contemplation and Realisation ♥

Well..I haven't done this for a while!

It hit me today, that we rush on with our lives, and hardly stop to sit back and look back on the incredible things we've done...either that or we do it too often and stop living!

So here's what I'm proposing...

This new year, I'm going to really start to live properly (eek!) this blog has helped me heaps- to get my feeling onto paper (not quite but you know what I mean!) and figure out my mixed up feelings..
so even if no-one reads this, its a lesson for me anyway!

A few things i am going to TRY and do..
  • grow my hair!!
  • be a better listener...its all fine and dandy to listen, but to actually be able to empathise and figure out whats needed
  • Make time for my friends...
  • Organise my time properly
  • show people my real personality and if they don't like it. meh.
  • maybe find my faith again?
well we can only hope...and eat cake and stuff  (teehee)

so why don't you write yourself a letter for the year, and really say what you want to get out of this year..because to be honest with you, LIFE is just a series of days, hours and minutes and if you don't do the things you want in those days, hours, and minutes..when are you going to ever do them?

so. this year. make it worth living. choose your own life. be true to yourself and have a laugh! why not?!?!

Bless you all and have a fab NEW YEAR!!!!!!!  Xx


  1. Ellie I love this post!! I love reading your blog, sometimes it's like you write exactly what I'm feeling/have felt! xxx

  2. thank you so much! I love writing it so much, but sometimes it feels like its not getting anywere! thats a masssive encouragement! if you have any blog topic ideas please let me know! xx
