

Thank you for looking at my blog..I want to use this page to talk about life..the highs, the lows and everything else! Keep reading!

Saturday 6 November 2010

A.R.K's (acts of random kindness)

hiya guys...

I think that a.r.k's are such a lovely idea, and if we all took part the world would be such a lovely place! Okay, so maybe world kindness is a bit adventurous but just a few of us doing it will make a big difference to the people we work/live with...so let me first explain what on earth I am talking about!
A.r.k's are little things you can do for another person without them knowing its you...for example I used to bake cakes leave them on my teachers desk with a note (a bit lame I know!) but its a great feeling to know you've helped someone else or blessed them somehow...it can be anything so use your imagination!

Ever had something lovely randomly happen to you? isn't it the best feeling? someone wise once said "happiness is a perfume you cant pour on other people without getting a few drops on yourself" this co insides beautifully with the objective of doing a.r.k's...whether its leaving a note on someones desk, or tidying up your partner's 'stuff' while they're out ,its all kindness, but the point of a.r.k's is that they are done without the person knowing who did it. You may be familiar with a.r.k's from the movie 'Evan Almighty' (if you haven't watched it, you should!)

so why should we do them? I think a.r.k's are a practical way of teaching us a lesson we should all be familiar with. generosity. whether its our time, a task, or a gift of some sorts, generosity is simply one person giving something to someone else. to be generous is to be liberal with what we give and not being stingy, so when you think up what you're a.r.k will be, try and give something 'generously' to show you've actually thought about it and your kindness will shine through! what can you give this week?

10 ideas for A.r.k's for friends/collegues/family

1. make them a cup of tea and leave it where they will be working/relaxing
2. someone mentioned something they'd love? pick up on what people are saying, they may give you some ideas
3. duties like washing up or putting the kids to bed? give them a break and do it before they get the chance
4. write a little card/note and leave it somewhere they are sure to see
5. do they have a faverourite meal? maybe you could make it for them!
6. have you promised to do something and never got round to it? late is better than never!
7. they feeling low? burn them a cd of all their favourite happy songs
8. its getting colder now...(this is for family) you could put a hot water bottle at the end of their mattress under the duvet-warm feet are so nice in winter!
9. collegue struggling? maybe you coul help them out with whatever it is their struggling with-a list of tips is always helpful
10. (friends and family) get everyone to write down 3 reasons why the person is great and leave it somewhere they will see it

Hope this helps! xx

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