

Thank you for looking at my blog..I want to use this page to talk about life..the highs, the lows and everything else! Keep reading!

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Be True To Yourself!

Hey everyone..
sorry its taken so long to write another post...here goes!

Something has really spoken to me recently...all the things i do on an everyday basis and hearing people comment on me i realised 'who am i doing this for?'
are you being true to yourself?
are you being who you are inside or trying to fit everyone else's view of you?
do you merge into the background?
do you pretend to be someone you know your not?
this may not apply to everyone, but i think its a good idea to look back on yourself sometimes and see if you are doing the things you wanna do and not what everyone else is doing..
it can be difficult, with peer pressure (and believe me, its not just something that happens at school, it goes with you wherever you are) to be yourself around the same people but here are a few tips for 'beiong true to yourself'

1) make a playlist of all YOUR favourite songs and listen to it as much as you can)
2) find loads of old pictures of yourself and make a personalized photo album of you 'growing up' so you can always remember how far you've come and how much you have 'developed' over the years
3)write a letter to yourself to open in the future, include all your dreams, worries, and future plans...it'll really encourage you to explore who you are and what your future holds!
4) go on a mini shopping trip, and buy all the things that remind you of you! (doesn't have to cost a small fortune!)
5) watch your old favourite movies
6) meet up with some old friends or organise a family get-together
7) pick up a new hobby/club you've always wanted to do
8) have a look through some hair magazines and get a completely new style! but make sure you do the choosing!
9) make yourself a 'me me me' mood board with everything you love (pictures, fabrics,  tickets etc)
10) look back at all the things you've achieved in your life....

Stay true to yourself...God bless!! xxx

1 comment:

  1. This is cool! Sounds a bit like part of our talk tonight!! shhh.. don't tell anyone though! ;)
