

Thank you for looking at my blog..I want to use this page to talk about life..the highs, the lows and everything else! Keep reading!

Monday 23 August 2010



Friendships are like roller coasters. bet you've heard that before? well its totally true!
no friendship is always perfect, and there are always going to be times where you just get on each others nerves. when it gets to that point there are a few options.
-argue until someone breaks
-throw a paddy and bitch about them to everyone
- talk calmly and come to a sensible compromise
-give up and 'move on'

Which sounds like something you would do?
It often depends on the type of person you are..but to be honest only one of them is going to help you stay friends and keep your friendship strong. guess which?!
girls are especially difficult as we tend to get very close and confide in one another (not a bad thing!) but this also means that you both then know what makes the other tick, what get them really mad or sad. some of us girls love to share everything with one another, while maybe the other friend likes to keep her emotions to herself.
It can be difficult to overcome hurdles in relationships and we can so easily decide to get really mad about whatever the tiff is about, and as a result, do/say something we will regret later on but think that we 'dont care' at the time.

When relationships are becoming strained, its really important to communicate with each other! before you run off and tell everyone the awful thing that's happened..why don't you give each other some time to cool down and mellow a bit, then organise a time you can get together in a civilised manner, and discuss whats wrong. so much of the time its just a lack of communication or a misunderstanding..this may sound like the last thing you want to do..honest i know! but its soo worth it in the end.

10 Things to build your friendships

  1. Organise a sleepover with a good movie and plenty of nibbles...get some quality natter time in there too! age is no boundary here, anyone can have a sleepover!
  2. slip a note into your Friends bag/clothes saying something encouraging about him/her and show them how you really feel
  3. write a list of 10 reasons why your friend is really great and post it to them to keep-this will leave them feeling really special and encouraged
  4. treat your friend to something they wouldn't normally do- a salon treatment, a coffee out, a trip to the cinema, a day of baking together!
  5. try to text/email/write to each other as often as possible
  6. go on a shopping spree together!
  7. why don't you organise to both bring a friend along to meet up, it will be a laugh and you may make a new friend!
  8. have a look around and find a club/activity you could do together..anything is fun from knitting club to scrapbook making
  9. if your friend lives far away, why not make up a hamper of little presents and send it to them as a surprise, they'll love it and it will give you a buzz to know you've blessed someone else
  10. have fun! get together and do what you both love! whatever it may be..be creative!

Sunday 22 August 2010


We girls spend all our lives trying to figure out 'who we are' by attempting to change ourselves, we go to all sorts of measures...like messing with our hair, perfecting our nails, wearing make-up, shopping, dieting, and generally attempting to make ourselves feel good and beautiful (which I do hasten to add isn't all bad, and can be a lot of fun!) but really girls..are we ever really satisfied? I don't think so.
I'm not writing this to make you feel bad, or even say that I am beyond it..just point out a few things to consider. LISTEN TO 'DESTINYS CHILD'  GOSPEL MELODY
We are constantly bombarded with images and advertising from the media and people around us, that tell us we are imperfect, too fat/too skinny,our hair isn't the right colour/length/style and our bodies aren't what they should look like,our clothes are out of fashion or our relationships are fatal.

Well girls..we are never going to be like those super-curvy, perfect white teeth, tanned,  actresses/models/singers without loosing the things that really matter. you know what we should wanna aspire to?
we should want to become women who are confident in themselves, secure in 'who they are',world changing, bubbly, honest, loyal, mature, thoughtful, passionate, caring, patient, loving, forgiving, etc..  doesn't that sound like the ultimate best friend?
We can all be like that if we choose to..sure,its not always gonna be an easy ride..there are going be storms and bumpy patches...but if we really want it and realise that it is attractive, then we CAN be those girls, and we can help our fellow 'sisters' to become wonderful, inspirational women! I honestly believe that if we deal with all the negative inputs in our lives, and realise our potential as beautiful women, then we would strive for 'inner beauty' and all of those characteristics with all the energy and passion we put into making ourselves look good on the outside we could do it.

10 things to pamper yourself

  1. Put on a face mask..so much fun and you're face will feel great afterwards! have a look online for some DIY face masks!
  2. Paint your nails..choose a happy colour and brighten your outfit instantly and enjoy showing off your glam hands! (if you bite your nails, maybe paint your toe-nails?)
  3. Do a hand soak..fill a bowl with warm water and some lemon or warm up some olive oil and soak your hand in it for 5 mins..perfect for weak nails!
  4. Have a hot bath..use some bubbly bath soak and relax in the soothing water!
  5. Hug a hot water bottle..just like a real hug, but warmer!
  6. Do your hair nicely,choose your fave outfit,and do your own home made photo-shoot,then you can always remind yourself of how beautiful you are
  7. Make yourself a cup of hot chocolate and watch your fave movie with your PJ'S and your duvet
  8. Ask everyone in your house to tell you 3 positive things about yourself..sure to make you smile!
  9. Go on a shopping spree..no need to spend loads of money, check out some charity shops,honest-you'll be surprised!
  10. Relax on your bed with a good book and a mug of something warm